Everywhere there are hints that Summer is wrapping up and Fall is just around the corner. It’s harvest time. The nights have already become a little crisper and the early mornings cooler. It’s my cue to start to transition my wardrobe, indulge in my love of chrysthanthemums and bring some rich, fall colors into my home. It’s also time for the Fair. State Fairs and County Fairs are all popping up on calendars everywhere and exhibitors are working hard to present the very best that this summer had to offer and create all the crazy fun entertainment expected by fairgoers.

Our hometown Fair is the Great Geauga County Fair, the oldest Fair in Ohio. Just two years ago we celebrated the Fair's 200th year. For our family, who has been attending the Fair for generations, we look forward to seeing friends every year. Some years we exhibit - English Lop Rabbits raised by Lizzie (who was named Fair Queen a few years ago) or compete with our Percherons Draft horse girls. Other years we support and enjoy our friends who enter with flowers, baked goods, photography, livestock and more.

Agriculturally, Geauga is such a wonderful mix of raised, made and grown. The exhibits and competitions are a feast for the senses. Prize winning farm animals, regional specialties like maple syrup and honey, row crops like hay, corn and beans are on display along with amazing artwork and more. Exhibits of traditional crafts and demonstrations from master harness makers, like those that make Rebecca Ray handbags, woodworkers and glassblowers are fascinating and every year the baskets and quilts are simply stunning. Naturally, I gravitate to the antiques, flowers and baked goods. The former often inspires future Rebecca Ray collections, the latter, well, who doesn’t love an award winning cake or pie? Everything is judged and awarded with big beautiful ribbons and I bring my Racing Day Tote (with the zipper top) to carry home some of those award-winning treats.

Add a carnival midway, carnival food and a good tractor pull or demolition derby and you have a pretty perfect day. It takes a full year of planning and a village to host and manage an event of this magnitude. Derek, my husband, is a volunteer firefighter and each local station takes a day to staff the fair and help keep everyone safe. The Great Geauga Fair attracts more than 250,000 spectators, but The Canfield Fair just an hour away is even bigger! It’s actually the biggest county fair east of the Mississippi River. This year, we spent a day there helping our friends who were competing with their gorgeous Percherons. Watching that team work and exploring the fairs is a thrill, reminding us of a simpler (but not easier) time, celebrating the harvest and community, meeting family and friends, and creating new traditions. Enjoy this year's photos (there are more @rebeccaraydesigns Instagram and Facebook) and keep checking the website as we roll out our new AW24 collection of bags and accessories inspired by the color and bounty of the season, and my trips to the Fair.